How did I set up multiple flavors for an Android App under 5 minutes

Priyanka Tyagi
4 min readJul 19, 2017

Let’s start with understanding few key terms.

Understanding differences between “Build Types”, “Flavor” and “Build Variant”

Build Types: Build Type refers to build and packaging settings like signing configuration for a project.

Flavor: A flavor is used to specify custom features, minimum and target API levels, device and API requirements like layout, drawable and custom code (for example, if production code is slightly different than development code).

Build Variant: The combination of Build Type and Flavor is known as Build Variant.

And, now time to dig deeper !

Android Apps: Flavors


The motivation behind Android Flavors is code reuse and code maintainability. Time to time, we might want to publish different versions of the same app with slight changes in assets or functionality. For example, in free version of the app, you may want to show ads while in paid version, you may decide not to show ads and integrate in-app purchase or upfront price rather. That’s where Android Flavors help us to achieve this flexibility.

Setting up Flavors in build.gradle

android {
flavorDimensions "version"

productFlavors {
freeVersion {
dimension "version"

paidVersion {
dimension "version"

These newly created flavors appears in “Build Variants” tab of Android Studio.

Note 1: You’ll have to choose the configuration from “Build Variants” drop down menu before runnind the app on device/emulator.

Note 2: Starting Android Studion 3.0, flavorDimension attribute needs to be added.

Application Id

Each flavor can have its own application Id. An ‘applicationId’ makes a app in Play Store unique. In this example, the free version will be published on Play Store with packageId/applicationId as and paid one will have com.pcc.flavors.paid.

Note: I’ll be showing build.gradle with all the configuration until this point.

android {
flavorDimensions "version"

productFlavors {
freeVersion {
dimension "version"

applicationId ""

paidVersion {
dimension "version"

applicationId "com.pcc.flavors.paid"

Configuring App’s name

Each flavor can have its own name as well. For example, free version has app name shown to users in Play Store as “Free Great App” and paid version has its name displayed in Play Store as “Paid Great App”. Let’s see how this can be configured in build.gradle.

android {
flavorDimensions "version"

productFlavors {
freeVersion {
//select the dimension of flavor
dimension "version"

//configure applicationId for app published to Play store
applicationId ""

//Configure this flavor specific app name published in Play Store
resValue "string", "flavored_app_name", "Free Great App"


paidVersion {
dimension "version"

applicationId "com.pcc.flavors.paid"
resValue "string", "flavored_app_name", "Paid Great App"

Don’t forget to use flavored_app_name string resource from AndroidManifest.xml to defined app's name:

<manifest xmlns:android=""



Flavor specific Icons for apps

Each differently named/flavored app may want to have its own icon. Lets see how would we achieve this. First we have to create a flavor specific directory at the same level of main. Basically, we need to mimic the main directory for each flavor to support fully functional flavors (when there's code changes are involved). These directories must be named same as its flavor definition names. In our example, these two additional directories are : freeVersion and paidVersion.

Make sure that you’ve the icon’s name same as referenced from AndroidManifest.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

Finally, flavor some code !

It’s very similar to flavoring icons for specific app. Remember that you’ve the same directory/package structure across all the flavors. That’s how the changes are overridden. For demonstration purposes, I’ll update TextView widget text differently for each app. Free version's TextView will read "Hello Free Great App !", and Paid version will read : "Hello Paid App !". It involves two steps: 1. Make sure that you've the same code directory structure. 2. Write your custom code !

Note: There’s one gotcha though. You can’t have the same class defined in src/main/java and src/<flavorNmae>/java directories. Gradle will throw Duplicate class error while building. Either you can have one class in src/main/java or in other flavors. I've MainActivity2 in src/freeVersion/java and src/paidVersion/java, but not in src/main/java. AndroidManifest.xml has reference to MainActivity2, so it picks MainActivity2 for a selected build variant's flavor.

Project structure would look like this:

Checkout the demo app in Github

Originally published at



Priyanka Tyagi

Tech explorer | Passionate about sharing explorations around software engineering and leadership